That Lan Writer

All art is either official art, used with permission or drawn by myself.


About Minors Interacting:

I understand that there’s adaptations that are quite family friendly, but due to the source material, I do not feel comfortable interacting with minors in any way. Please do not follow me or engage with my tweets if you are underage. I will block any minors, nothing personal.

About NSFW RPs:

All my accounts are slightly NSFW (mentions of alcohol, novel-typical violence and suggestive themes AT MOST), regardless of the age of the character I am writing.

I will not write explicit NSFW about the juniors, please do not ask.

I am willing to write NSFW about Lan XiChen, but only privately. I only write NSFW with RP partners I have been RPing with for a while and feel comfortable with. Please do not message me about RPing NSFW with you if we haven’t RPed together before.

About Verses:

I only write canon and canon-divergent verses. I am not interested in writing modern AUs.

I am familiar with the novel, the manhua, the donghua and CQL. I default to novel portrayals.

General Rules:

Do not write what my character is doing, nor make choices for him. If you need to know what my character would do in advance (for example, if something falls and you’d like for both our characters to try and catch it at the same time), feel free to message me beforehand.

If you have a particular trigger you want to avoid, please message me.

I will not write incest, nor relationships between a canonly underage character and an adult character.

I will not write ABO nor mpreg, please do not ask.

All my accounts are multiship.

No drama, please, of any kind. No shipping wars, no character hate, no politics, no homophobic/transphobic tweets/discussions, etc. If you have a personal issue with me, please message me or block me, I will not bring it to the TL or other people’s DMs.

No godmodding.

I expect my RP partners to add to our plot/thread just as much as I do. If I feel like I am the only person carrying the thread, I will drop the RP.


Let me know if you need to or just would like to drop a RP; I’ll completely understand, and will do the same for you. No excuses needed.

I am only interested in writing m/m ships.

Ships with chemistry, but I do have some particular ships I’m quite willing to write!

For more info on shipping, please check my muses section :))

About the Admin

Name: Marle
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 25+
RPing since 2011

Hobbies: language learning, art, video games
Likes: pets <33, stationery, pinterest aesthetic LOL


I am in the autistic spectrum, so I ask that you be a little understanding. If I say something hurtful, please let me know, because I might not realize it’s something problematic. I appreciate being made aware of my mistakes, because it helps me avoid making others upset in the future <3


Important Note:

Please do not call my characters "A-Yuan", "A-Huan", "A-Chen", "A-Yi" or anything besides their courtesy names, unless that's already done in canon. I like to see that kind of closeness develop as we RP. Taking this away also takes away part of the fun for me.

How I RP all my characters:

I hope this section isn’t confusing! I default to all my characters being in the same universe, so if you interact with two of my characters, their things might be brought up by the other.

For example:
In one of my threads with (a) Jiang Cheng, SiZhui offered him tea to help with pain, and explained that Lan XiChen had taught him that blend.

In another thread, the same Jiang Cheng brought this up to Lan XiChen, who acknowledged sharing his blends with SiZhui, and asked about how it turned out.

(Special thanks to @SectLeaderJiang for letting me bring this up!)

If you’d like me to not do this, let me know!

I rarely write crack or break the fourth wall, but I am willing to RP funny stuff!

Lan SiZhui

Ages: 3-20, depending on the RP.

SiZhui is my main account. I default to post-canon, but I have many AUs going on with different people, which I will list down below.


SiZhui is soft spoken, well-mannered and respectful. Unbeknownst to most people, he’s actually willing to break the rules. He’s particularly willing to get in trouble for the sake of spending time with Wen Ning, or protecting his friends.

SiZhui isn’t above getting upset, jumping to conclusions and being (accidentally) inconsiderate; but he’s quick to realize his mistakes and/or will acknowledge his faults when confronted.

Him being a Wen isn’t common knowledge, so unless you RP as Wei WuXian, Lan WangJi, Lan XiChen, Lan QiRen or Wen Ning, your character doesn’t know about his heritage unless he specifically tells them in a thread.

SiZhui struggles with feelings of survivor’s guilt or feeling undeserving, but it’s not very obvious, since he doesn’t bring this up.

SiZhui admires Lan XiChen a lot, and just like he studies the guqin under Lan WangJi, he studies healing arts under Lan XiChen. He’s particularly fond of blending medicinal teas, but his blends aren’t as exact and powerful as his mentor’s. He will very likely offer your character tea at some point!
→ This whole “Doctor XiChen” theme is part of my headcanons for Lan XiChen. Please refer to his section for more info!


Any junior ship is fine with me! I favor ZhuiLing.


Wen Yuan:
When SiZhui was never rescued by Lan WangJi because he either:
a) Grew up alongside his biological family and Wei WuXian, after the first siege never happened;
b) Was rescued by someone else entirely

Depending on who raised him, I could write him as being a Demonic Cultivator, someone following the rightful path, or not a cultivator at all. I LOVE writing Wen Yuan, so if you’re interested, please feel free to let me know.

Due to being a Wen, he’s more direct and considerably sassy compared to Lan SiZhui.


I LOVE RPing this character outside of romantic situations. Any character is WELCOME to interact with him, no previous plotting needed.

Family bonding threads are especially appreciated<33

Lan XiChen

Ages: 16-40, depending on the RP.

Lan XiChen is my second most active account. I default to post-canon, sometime after Jin GuangYao’s death, so he can be quite reserved and be considerably depressed still. How long it’s been since he came out of seclusion depends on the thread.

If you’d like me to RP as a younger Lan XiChen, feel free to message me beforehand.


Lan XiChen is friendly, considerate and loves to help others, while not wanting to trouble them with his own problems.

Since I default to post-canon, it’s hard for him to approach people, and even harder to trust others from outside of his family, since he’s got some unresolved trauma from Jin GuangYao not turning out to be the person he believed he was.

He feels guilty about the role he played in Nie MingJue’s death, and seeks to find a way to help him rest in peace. He’s quite upset that Nie MingJue is locked in that coffin, suffering.

When he finally comes out of seclusion, he’s distant and finds it draining to be in social situations, but if your character is patient and encouraging, he will try his best to not isolate himself.

Despite all of this, he will still be polite, and will entertain any guests who happen to come across him in the Cloud Recesses.

Lan XiChen is quite skilled in the healing arts, which he had studied from a very young age. He’s able to make potions, salves, teas, syrups or any other preparations. He’s able to treat and diagnose most common illnesses, and play several healing tunes with his guqin. He’d be more than happy to pass down his knowledge to help others in need.


I favor NieLan.

I’m actually quite picky here, since I know XiCheng is a very popular ship. I personally do not ship this pairing, but I am willing to entertain it if the relationship develops in our RPs, and there’s chemistry; however, I will ask that you understand this would be a slow burn, because I can’t write the ship out of nothing.

This goes for any other ships outside of NieLan, too.

It takes a bit extra effort for me to write Lan XiChen in romantic situations, please be patient with me ^^


None at the moment, but willing to write canon-divergent AUs where Nie MingJue and/or Jin GuangYao are still alive.


I am always willing to RP with anyone! If you write Wei WuXian, Lan WangJi, Nie MingJue or Jin GuangYao, I would be more than happy to RP friendly situations!

Lan JingYi

JingYi is my latest and least active account. It might take me a little while to reply as him, because I am usually trying to catch up on my other two accounts. Please keep this in mind <3


JingYi doesn’t realize that he’s rude and loud, he does not mean any harm though. Please do not feel personally attacked if JingYi is mean towards your character, it’s just RP.

Despite what everyone thinks, JingYi tries to be well-mannered, even if it doesn’t always turn out right. When he’s confronted about his rude behavior by a senior, he will very likely not be confrontational.

JingYi admires Lan WangJi, and will not tolerate people speaking ill of him, even if the person doing so is older. He’s also rude to Jin Ling, which he might or might not mean, depending on how close they are in the thread.

Both of JingYi’s parents are still alive, and he might bring them up in conversation. He’s an only child.

He’s not the brightest when it comes to books and theory, but in practice, he’s very skilled with the sword, and has great spatial memory.

He’s quite prone to getting into fights with other boys his age, and doesn’t hesitate much before breaking the rules if no seniors are around. However, he will not try to influence other disciples into breaking the rules and getting in trouble themselves.

JingYi’s family is very important to him, and family traditions are something he takes very seriously.


Any junior ship is fine with me! I don’t favor any particular ships for JingYi.


None at the moment.


As always, feel free to interact with JingYi. I love RPing stuff outside of romance. I am open to healthy rivalries, friendship and family bonding!